
Louisi-Ana a Woman, Mississippi a Man

I noticed that Brian's gChat status message was, "Louisiana Woman Mississippi Man"

Which inspired me to write:

The young fertile land of Louisi-Ana opened herself to Mississippi's thunderous snarled driving flow. She knew she would. It was all just a matter of time before Louisi-Ana spread the shores of her nubile length to his massive ever urging. She knew it the first time Mississippi ever so slightly glanced her in passing. The tingle of movement she felt throughout her core. Louisi-Ana blushed at the excitement she felt, but even more so at the slight dampness she developed from Mississippi's touch. He never noticed her, and never would. Louisi-Ana was just one in a long line of conquests towards his ultimate goal, Delta Gulf.

Some times the oddest things inspire you; you know?

Delta was a warm and welcoming woman. She was full of life and in body. Her every voluptuous curve filled Mississippi with an uncontrollable lusting to be with her. Though once he had her, he was still not satisfied. The hunt, the longing to be with her had changed him. It changed him from wanting something to wanting to want something. It was only desire that could satiate him...